What is ViaCopilot?

At OneSky, we’ve been using AI to enhance the quality of our linguists’ work. 
This takes advantage of AI’s unique ability to ensure consistency across large volumes 
of translations within a project.

Recently, AI has advanced to a point where it can collaborate effectively with human linguists to deliver quality that meets or exceeds human standards, but at a significantly lower overall cost.

Evaluating AI Readiness
Across Language Pairs

AI readiness varies among different language pairs. We have established the readiness level for each using our robust evaluation system. In essence, higher readiness means more of the translation is completed by AI. For instance, our study found that for English to German, ViaCopilot can deliver human-equivalent quality with 75% AI and 25% human effort.

Optimizing AI Utilization Ratio with Evaluation System

We have established a robust evaluation system and assembled a team of native evaluators to assess the quality of AI, human, and co-piloted translations. By optimizing the AI utilization ratio, we can offer greater savings to our customers.

You don't need to keep an eye on the trend yourself, we will handle everything and offer the best for you!

Maximizing Savings with AI

We are passing these savings on to our users. The higher the readiness for a language pair, the greater the savings. As AI continues to evolve, we anticipate that all languages will advance up the readiness ladder, making commercial-grade translation more cost-efficiency over time.

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Translation Process AI-Human Ratio
Save 50% or more on translation-review market price
Save 35% or more on translation-review market price
Save 25% or more on translation-review market price

The Process

The integration process of ViaCopilot with our platform workflow simplifies managing translations. By subscribing to our plans, you gain access to AI-powered support, enabling automation. This seamless integration and automation enhance efficiency and translation quality across your projects.


Import Content by Integrations

You can manually upload your string files to the workspace. For products with regular content updates, set up source text integrations to automatically extract content and metadata through our platform whenever changes occur to the strings in the content hosts.

Auto-fill for Untranslated Strings

Place AI-Human co-piloted translation orders for source texts missing translations in over 70 languages. You can preset the translation process to enable auto-translate during import and auto-order after import. This feature activates whenever new or modified content is imported.

Enhance Quality by AI

Manage all your projects in our workspace with human-in-the-loop quality assurance. Enhance translation quality by providing user-generated or enabling AI-generated context. You can directly communicate with linguists on the platform when necessary. Translations will be conducted and finally checked by our AI QA tools.

Customize Workflow using API

We will notify you once the translations are completed. By utilizing our API and webhook, you can integrate a customized localization workflow into your deployment pipeline, ensuring you are all set without human intervention!

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